Accept donations and manage gifts easily with Abundant in ACS so you can focus on your ministry.

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Here Is How Churches Using Abundant in ACS Increase Giving and Simply Manage Gifts:

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2. ACS Technology will guide you step by step through one-on-one implementation.

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3. See the increase in donations by accepting online donations!

Increase Giving & Simplify Donation Management

Why Do Churches Choose Abundant, ACS's Built-In eGiving Tool?

Your congregation needs to be able to give from anywhere, anytime and you need to be able to manage giving efficiently. In order to do that, you need an easy way for members to give using the technology you already have through ACS.

The problem is, the thought of introducing and learning new technology makes you feel stressed and overwhelmed. You're comfortable using ACS and need to make sure any new tools are simple to use and pair with your existing church management software.

We believe every church should have the tools they need to accept donations and manage gifts easily so you can focus on your ministry and support your members. That's why we partnered with ACS to support Abundant, ACS's new online giving tool. With Abundant, you can achieve your giving goals without having to learn new software, and it's easy to get started.

Here's three easy steps to get started today:

  • See for yourself how easy it is for you to use and to start securely accepting donations.
  • ACS Technologies will guide you step by step through one-on-one implementation.
  • See the increase in donations by accepting online donations!

And don't forget, you have access to our implementation team and free giving resources to help you launch eGiving in your church. We'll be with you every step of the way.

Want to hear from your peers?

Check out how this church grew giving.